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ARCHIVED Next Generation Fighter Capability CF 1. Hornet Estimated Life Expectancy Investing in Equipment National Defence. Background. The Estimated Life Expectancy ELE of a weapon system is a management decision which must consider all projected requirements including airworthiness, sustainability, operational capability and relevance versus the costs and benefits along with operational risk. The concept of ELE is analogous to the business concept of useful life, which is the period of time an asset is expected to be usable for the purpose it was acquired and may not necessarily correspond to the assets physical or economic life. An approved ELE also provides the related Weapon System Manager WSM with the authority to appropriately manage financial resources to assure sustainability of the fleet until ELE. Additionally, ELE may also take into account the fact that not all aircraft reach their structural safe life limit at the same time it may also consider transition requirements with a replacement aircraft fleet such as aircraft delivery schedules, and achievable aircrew and technician training schedules, as applicable. Accordingly, ELE may be defined with a planned ramp down or transition window as a fleets aircraft are progressively retired. A final ELE date identifies the latest date for the cessation of flying operations for the fleet in question, and unless otherwise specified, is usually assumed to be calendar year based. Thus, an ELE of 2. December 2. 02. 0. The ELE for CF aircraft fleets is established at the time of their entry into service. The CF 1. 8 Hornet entered service in 1. Race Driver Grid Speed Hack Download on this page. CF 5 Freedom Fighter, the CF 1. Voodoo and the CF 1. Attrition Project Report Pdf' title='Attrition Project Report Pdf' />Starfighter. The Hornet fleets ELE was initially set to 2. Initial Operational Capability IOC. This value was based upon projected initial usage when calculated against the original equipment manufacturers certified design life. It must be emphasized that ELE is, first and foremost, an estimate. State of California, Department of Consumer Affairs, Board of Registered Nursing. Action Plan Urgent work is needed Many past reports on the MBTA have attempted to quantify the financial needs of the agency. This report is different. Employers providing paid family leave report that its both good for their workers and good for their businesses Morale is higher, productivity increases, and the. Final evaluation report Enhanced Tuberculosis Adherence Programme September 2009 Salla Atkins, Simon Lewin, Esme Jordaan Contributors Judy Caldwell, Deanna Carter. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing AACN is the national voice for baccalaureate and graduate nursing education. AACN works to establish quality. Numerous assumptions must be made for the various competing factors involved, which must all be balanced to determine the optimum withdrawal date. This means that an aircraft fleets ELE target may or may not be proven correct as the future unfolds, and may actually be advanced or extended during its service life. An ELE change can be triggered by a number of factors such as a capability deficiency, or an engineeringmaintenance advance enhancing fleet life expectancy. In the case of the CF 1. FLMP in 1. 98. 8, and a collaborative full scale structural fatigue test program with the Royal Australian Air Force RAAF to re certify the CF 1. Canadian and Australian usage. This collaborative effort was known as the International Follow on Structural Test Program IFOSTP and was completed in 2. Attrition Project Report Pdf' title='Attrition Project Report Pdf' />Under current law, deficits will drop through 2015 but rise thereafter, boosting the already high federal debt, CBO projects. Economic growth will be solid in the. SPECIAL REPORT CONTACT CENTER PIPELINE JANUARY 2016 The contact center often has the data to guide improvements but lacks corporate initiatives to. SpaSalon073.jpg' alt='Attrition Project Report Pdf' title='Attrition Project Report Pdf' />Results from this test program formed the basis from which the CF 1. Hornets structural Life Extension Program LEP4was developed. As the aircrafts structural life is an airworthiness limitation, it is an important factor in calculating a realistic ELE. The implementation of the FLMP, a LEP tailored to Royal Canadian Air Force RCAF usage requirements, changes to how the CF 1. Halo Combat Evolved Pc Download Mac on this page. YFR over the years have all combined to extend the CF 1. The CF 1. 8 ELE was extended to 2. This study was based on known facts at the time along with a number of key assumptions, including projected YFR, fatigue rates, structural modification requirements, continued US Navy support, the cost benefit of proceeding with an extensive avionics modification effort, and assumptions regarding the timelines associated with the introduction of a replacement fleet. Under the auspices of this study, CF 1. ELE has once again been examined to determine if it can be viably extended beyond 2. The analysis for this report assessed the option of extending the CF 1. ELE to 2. 02. 5 and 2. This longer ELE transition window is based on an assessment of the achievable timelines associated with standing up a new fleet by the fighter force given its current size and structure. Specific numbers of CF 1. The ELE targets in this study were logically chosen, based upon expected cost versus benefit as well as overall risk a. An ELE of 2. 02. 0 2. As such, it represents an ELE extension for modest cost while still resulting in reasonably low to moderate technical and operational risk respectively. Once the US Navy drawdown begins in earnest, and prior to final fleet retirement, sustainment will become more difficult and costly with less access to either Repair and Overhaul R O facilities or the availability of spare parts for purchase. An ELE of 2. 02. 5 2. It would require the entire fleet to undergo the Control Point 3 CP3 Life Extension Program LEP along with other significant structural refurbishment investments. This option is a high risk solution, from both a technical and operational perspective. Also, reduced R O and spares sources increase sustainment challenges. From a cost perspective, there is increased uncertainty in projecting non recurring engineering NRE as well as sustainment costs out that far since even small changes to current assumptions could cause significant impacts to cost projections. From an operational perspective, the fleet will be exposed to a more lethal threat environment. In addition, there will be decreased interoperability with newer aircraft flown by Canadas allies. Since ELE is both a management tool and a management decision, any life extension decision must be based upon three important variables technical feasibility, operational relevance and cost effectiveness. This ELE study has examined all upgrades required to extend the CF 1. Hornet from an airworthiness, regulatory and sustainment perspective. However it does not examine the technical feasibility and costs associated with major operational relevance upgrades to improve existing capabilities, other than those critical to maintain a basic level of interoperability with the US, and, by extension, NATO allies. ELE Considerations. Continuing Airworthiness CF 1. Structure As previously noted, structural life is a key assessment factor. A preliminary analysis of the assumptions upon which the current CF 1. ELE is based on has revealed several downward trends in terms of YFR and FLEI consumption since 2. Regulatory Requirements The current CF 1. This means that the implementation effort will need to begin up to three years prior, with investment decisions even sooner. Both civil and military Identification Friend or Foe IFF regulations will require, respectively, Mode S already a requirement in Europe and Mode 5. Incorporation of this capability will require both hardware and Operational Flight Program OFP9changes. More importantly however, the US Federal Aviation Administration FAA will be mandating the use of ADS B Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast surveillance technology in US airspace by 2. NEXTGEN Air Traffic Management plan. It is also expected that most other ICAO signatories will also adopt the ADS B standard. For example, Europe is implementing ADS B standards by 2. An earlier decision would allow greater flexibility for planning and implementation and result in a better return on the investment by putting the improved equipment into service for a longer period of time. Sustainment From a weapon system life cycle perspective, sustainment refers to the in service support required to maintain a weapon system as operational.