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Web Map Update User Manual. F3. 5F3. 7M, F4. F4. M,F3. 00 F4. Series. Web Map Update User Manual. How Do I Update my Maps There are four steps for your map update. Step 1 Install and Update Nav. Desk software. Step 2 Download the new map data. Step 3 Remove old maps. Step 4 Activate and Install the new maps to your Navman. Preparation before Updating your New Maps. Navdesk Software' title='Navdesk Software' />Navdesk SoftwareThe world is constantly changing there are new roads, motorways and suburbs built, and changes to infrastructure every single day. Getting from point A to point B. Ensure you have the following items prepared before updating your maps A PC with the following minimum system requirements Microsoft Windows XP or later version,Internet connection of 5. Kbs or faster,Internet Explorer 6 or higher installed,DVD drive,USB port. Navman is the leader in car, 4WD and Truck GPS navigation and dash cams in Australia Find Out More Sailmon design produce highly innovative, accurate user friendly marine equipment for racing sailboats. Model E4 processor communicator. Recently added items You have no items in your shopping cart. LoginRegister LoginRegister Products Car GPS. Car GPS MOVE75. The USB cable that came with your Navman The Nav. Desk DVD that came with your Navman. We recommend that you print this User Manual to help guide you through the installation process. Step 1 Installing and Updating Nav. Desk. You must install Nav. Desk to your computer before updating the maps. Install Nav. Desk from disk. Insert your original DVD into your computer. Follow the instructions and install Nav. Desk. Close Nav. Desk. Remove the DVD from your computer. Install Nav. Desk without diskTo be able to install the Software, please download the ZIP file from the link below. Ensure to click Save not open when downloading. Service. PackDesktopNavmanNav. Deskv. 5. 9. 0. 0. When downloaded do right click on the file select EXTRACT ALL open the created folder and RUN setup. Follow the instructions on screen until you have finished installation. Update Nav. Desk. Turn on your Navman and connect it to your computer via the USB cable. Run Nav. Desk. When prompted, follow the instructions to update Nav. Desk. Note If the automatic update does not work, you can manually download the service pack from http download. Service. PackDesktopNavmanMME2latest. Open Nav. Desk. Step 2 Downloading the New Map Data. Download the new map data from link provided in your e mail. Save the file to the My DocumentsMy Maps folder on your computer. Step 3 Remove your Old Maps. Turn on your Navman and connect it to your computer via the USB cable. Open Nav. Desk. Click My Maps. From the My Navman panel, select the maps you wish to replace. Click Remove Maps to remove the selected maps. Confirm that you want to remove the selected maps when prompted. The maps are removed from your Navman. Step 4 Activating and Installing your New Maps. Activating New Maps. Click Activation. Enter the Activation key sent to you by email, and click Continue. When the activation is complete, click Finish. Installing New Maps. Click My Maps. If you saved the maps in the location suggested in Step 2, the new map file will be displayed here. If not, copy the map files to My DocumentsMy Maps. Select the new map you wish to install and click Open. You will see new maps in Map Source section. Boilsoft Video Splitter V7.02.2 With Key. The maps that are unlocked and ready to be installed to your Navman are yellow. Note To purchase additional mapping regions visit http www. Path1. 231. 34. Select the map regions you want to install. In Map Source Column, you can view how much space the selected maps take up. In My Navman Column, you can view the free space on your Navman. Ensure that you have sufficient space for the selected maps. Caution Be sure to reserve additional 5. MB free space if you install the new maps to your Navman. Doing so ensures your Navman continues to perform optimally after the new maps are installed. Click Install Maps. Click Transfer now. When the installation is completed, click Close. The new maps will now show as green. Disconnect your Navman from the computer. You are ready to use the new maps on your Navman. Frequently Asked Questions. For all frequently asked questions relating to the free map upgrade installation, please visit http www. Language. F3. 5F3. M, F4. 5F4. 7M,F3. F4. 00 Serie. Brugervejledning til opdatering af kort. Revision R0. 00. Hvordan opdaterer jeg kortene Kortene opdateres i fire trin. Trin 1 Installer og opdater Nav. Desk software. Trin 2 Download de nye kortdata. Trin 3 Fjern gamle kort. Trin 4 Aktiver og installer de nye kort p din Navman. Forberedelse inden opdatering af kortene. Inden opdatering af kortene skal du have flgende ting parat En computer. Minimum systemkravene er Microsoft Windows XP eller senere version,Internetforbindelse 5. Siti Per Scaricare Link Per Jdownloader Premium'>Siti Per Scaricare Link Per Jdownloader Premium. Kbs eller hurtigere,Internet Explorer 6 eller hjere,DVD drev,USB port. USB kablet, der fulgte med Navman enheden,Nav. Desk dvden, der fulgte med Navman enheden. Navman anbefaler ogs, at du udskriver denne brugervejledning, der skal hjlpe dig gennem installationsprocessen. Trin 1 Installation og opdatering af Nav. Desk. Inden opdatering af kortene skal du installere Nav. Desk p din computer. Installer Nav. Desk with diskAnbring den oprindelige Nav. Desk dvd i computeren. Flg instruktionerne til installation af Nav. El James Pdf Free Download. Desk. Luk Nav. Desk. Fjern Nav. Desk dvden fra computeren. Installer Nav. Desk without diskBitte laden Sie die zip Datei unten im Link herunter. Gehen Sie sicher das Sie speichern auswhlen und nicht ffnen. Service. PackDesktopNavmanNav. Deskv. 5. 9. 0. 0. Nach dem Herunterladen entpacken Sie die ZIP Datei und ffnen Sie den Ordner, doppelklicken Sie auf SETUP. EXE oder INSTALL. Datei und klicken Sie AUSFHREN. Fhren Sie den Installierung Vorgang bis zum Ende durch. Updater Nav. Desk Tnd for enheden og forbind den til din computer med USB kablet. Kr Nav. Desk. Nr du anmodes derom, flg instruktionerne til opdatering af Nav. Desk. Bemrk Hvis den automatiske opdatering ikke virker, kan servicepakken downloades manuelt fra http download. Service. PackDesktopNavmanMME2latest. Nav. Desk. Trin 2 Downloading af Nye kortdata. Download de nye kortdata fra linket i e mailen. Gem filen i mappen Mine DokumenterMine Kort p computeren. Trin 3 Fjern de gamle kort. Tnd for enheden og forbind den til din computer med USB kablet. Nav. Desk. Klik p Mine kort. P Min Navman skrmen, vlg kortene, som du nsker at udskifte. Klik p Fjern Kort for at fjerne de valgte kort. Bekrft, at du vil fjerne de valgte kort, nr du sprges. Kortene fjernes fra enheden. Trin 4 Aktivering og installation af de nye kort. Aktivering af nye kort. Klik p Aktivering. Indtast aktiveringskoden sendt til dig per e mail og klik p Fortst. Nr installationen er fuldfrt, klik p Afslut. Installation af nye kort. Klik p Mine kort. Hvis du lagrede kortene p stedet foreslet p trin 2, ses den nye kortfil her. Hvis ikke, kopir kortfilerne til DokumenterMy Maps. Vlg det nye kort, som du vil installere, og klik p Open bn. Du vil se nye kort i Kortkilde sektionen. Kortene, der er oplste og klare til at blive installeret p din Navman, er gule. Bemrk For at kbe yderligere kortregioner, g til http www. Path1. 231. 34. Vlg kortomrderne, som du nsker at installere. I Kortkilde kolonnen kan du se, hvor megen plads de valgte kort optager. I Min Navman kolonnen kan du se den ledige plads p Navman. Srg for at reservere plads nok til de valgte kort. Pas p Srg for at reservere yderligere 5. MB ledig plads, hvis du installerer de nye kort p din enhed. P denne mde sikrer du, at din Navman fortstter med at arbejde optimalt, efter at de nye kort er installeret. Klik p Installer kort. Klik p Overfr nu. Nr installationen er fuldfrt, klik p Luk. De nye kort ses nu som grnne. Kobl Navman enheden fra computeren. Du er klar til at bruge de nye kort p enheden. For alle hyppigt stillede sprgsml vedrrende installation af den gratis opdatering, g venligst til http www.