Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming Rating: 5,0/5 3594votes

Seagate Barra. Cuda Pro 1. TB Review Storage. Review. com. October 5th, 2. Brian Beeler. Seagate has launched the latest update to their high performance desktop 3. Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming' title='Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming' />HDD line in the Barra. Cuda Pro family. Now available in capacities up to 1. TB, the Barra. Cuda Pro is designed to meet the needs of professionals who want the high capacity that 3. To that end, the Barra. Cuda Pro features a 7,2. RPM spindle speed with 2. MB cache, offering up to 2. MBs in sustained sequential transfer rates. HR0cDovL21lZGlhLmJlc3RvZm1pY3JvLmNvbS9ILzQvNzE3MzA0L29yaWdpbmFsLzAwMS5qcGc=' alt='Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming' title='Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming' />Incidentally, 2. MBs is 3. 0MBs faster than the prior top capacity 1. TB Pro drive.  Seagate is also making sure they take care of their Barra. Cuda Pro owners with a five year warranty and two years of Seagate Rescue data recovery included. While bigger isnt necessarily better in terms of raw capacity in the digital storage game, more capacity is becoming an asset as files grow larger and more complex. For certain users, moving larger files, or older ones, off to the cloud isnt an option. Seagates latest Barra. Cuda Pro HDD, part of its Guardian Series, has upped the ante in the HDD capacity wars by hitting a 1. TB capacity point that is shipping as of today. This drive would be ideal for the creative professional dealing with massive files, direct attached storage, and home servers. The Seagate Barra. Cuda Pro line includes 2. Seagate Backup Plus 4TB 2. RPM USB 3. 0 Portable External Hard Drive STDR4000100 Small drive, large storage. The Seagate Backup Plus portable storage drive. Reviews 1. 3Khttpswww. SeagateBarraCudaST1000LM048interneFestplattedpB01LY3Q201 hIDSERP,5394. Seagate BarraCuda 1 TB, ST1000LM048, interne Amazon. Seagate BarraCuda 1 TB, ST1000LM048, interne Festplatte, 7mm, 6, 4 cm 2, 5 Zoll, 128MB Cache, SATA 6 Gbs schwarz bei Amazon. Groe Auswahl Schneller Versand. Reviews 115http hIDSERP,5408. Quantum Computer Website Simulasi rakitanLast Update 30 November 2017 Sale Promo Product Intel LGA 1151. Seagate-BarraCuda-1TB-SATA-III-35-Hard-Drive.jpg' alt='Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming' title='Seagate Barracuda Per Gaming' />Seagate Barracuda Per GamingTB, 4. TB, 6. TB, 8. TB, 1. TB and 1. TB capacities. This review is of a single 1. TB 8 platters capacity hard drive, which can be picked up for 5. Seagate Barra. Cuda Pro 1. TB Specifications. Model Numbers ST1. DM0. 00. 7Bytes per Sector 5. Interface SATA 6. October 5th, 2017 by Brian Beeler Seagate BarraCuda Pro 12TB Review. Seagate has launched the latest update to their highperformance desktop 3. HDD. Ready to inject up to 10TB of capacity, 7200 RPM speeds and true reliability into your desktop or laptop Come learn about BarraCuda internal hard drives. The CEO of Seagate has confirmed plans to release new nearline harddrives with 12 TB capacity in the coming months, and HDDs with 16 TB capacity over the course of. Hi all,Im looking at getting a couple 2TB hard drives one for storage and one for backup and Im looking at the Seagate Barracuda ST2000DM001httpwww. Videos Musica Hd Para Descargar Gratis. Gbs. Max.  Sustained Transfer Rate 2. MBs. Cache 2. 56. MBPlatter Configuration Eight platters, Areal density 9. Gbin. 2 avg. LoadUnload Cycles 3. Nonrecoverable Read Errors per Bits Read Max 1 per 1. E1. 5Power On Hours per Year 2. Workload Rate Limit TByear 3. Limited Warranty years 5. Startup Power A 1. Operating Mode, Typical W 7. Idle Average W 5. Standby ModeSleep Mode, Typical W 0. Operating ambient, min 0COperating drive case, max 6. CNonoperating ambient  4. C 7. 0CHalogen Free Yes. Ro. HS Compliance Yes. Height 2. 6. 1. 1mm. Width 1. 01. 8. 5mm. Depth 1. 46. 9. 9mm. Weight 7. 05g. Consumer Synthetic Benchmarks. All consumer HDD benchmarks are currently conducted with the Storage. Review HP Z6. 40 Workstation. We compared The Barra. Cuda Pro 1. 2TB with the following drives All IOMeter figures are represented as binary figures for MBs speeds. For hybrid drives, the synthetic tests only capture spindle speeds, ignoring the caching technology that would be more evident in repetitive tasks, like the application testing further down. Our first test measures 2. MB sequential performance. Here, the Barra. Cuda beat all the other drives with a read score of 2. MBs and a write score of 2. MBs. Next we look at random 2. MB performance where the Barra. Cuda 1. 2TB once again beat out the other drives with 8. MBs read and 1. 25. MBs write. When switching to smaller 4. K random transfers, the 1. TB drives slipped to third in reads and fourth in writes with 0. MBs read and 0. 8. MBs write. The drive fell behind both WD Black drives. Looking at the IOPS for the same test, the 1. TB drive unsurprisingly gave the same placement with a read performance of 6. IOPS and a write performance of 2. IOPS. When looking at 4. K write latency both the average and maximum readings, the 1. TB drive was only bested by the slightly smaller 1. TB version, with an average latency of 4. Our last series of synthetic benchmarks compare the hard drives in a series of server mixed workloads with a queue depth ranging from 1 to 1. Each of our server profile tests has a strong preference towards read activity, ranging from 6. The first is our database profile, which uses a 6. K transfer sizes. While the Seagate Barra. Cuda 1. 2TB gave a strong performance throughout ranging from 8. IOPS to a peak of 1. IOPS it came in second to the WD Black 6. TB. The 1. 2TB drive did beat out its 1. TB counterpart. Our web server profile is read only with a spread of transfer sizes from 5. KB. Here, we see very similar placement with the 1. TB running strong, but falling to second behind the WD Black 6. TB. The 1. 2TB ran from 6. IOPS to a peak of 1. IOPS. The next profile looks at a file server, with an 8. KB. The 1. 2TB Seagate drive trailed behind the 6. TB WD Black throughout most of the benchmark only to pull to the top of the pack at the end with 1. IOPS. Our last profile looks at workstation activity, which is comprised of a 2. K transfers. Here, the 1. TB drive gave its weakest performance compared to the top performer however, it still landed in second place with scores ranging from 9. IOPS to a peak of 1. IOPS. Consumer Real World Benchmarks. For the average consumer, trying to translate random 4. K write speeds into an everyday situation is pretty difficult. It helps when comparing drives in every setting possible, but it doesnt exactly work out into faster everyday usage or better game loading times. For this reason, we turned to our Storage. Mark 2. 01. 0 traces, which include HTPC and Gaming traces to help readers find out how a drive might rank under these conditions. The first real life test is our HTPC scenario. In this test we include playing one 7. P HD movie in Media Player Classic, one 4. P SD movie playing in VLC, three movies downloading simultaneously through i. Tunes, and one 1. HDTV stream being recorded through Windows Media Center over a 1. Higher IOPS and MBs rates with lower latency times are preferred. The Barefooted Youth more. In this trace, we recorded 2,9. MB being written to the drive and 1,9. MB being read. In our HTPC profile, the Seagate Barra. Cuda 1. 2TB was the best performing overall with 1. MBs, 1,8. 86 IOPS, and a latency of 4. Our second real life test covers disk activity in a gaming environment. Unlike the HTPC trace, this one relies heavily on the read performance of a drive. To give a simple breakdown of readwrite percentages, the HTPC test is 6. Productivity test is 5. The test consists of a Windows 7 Ultimate 6. Steam, with Grand Theft Auto 4, Left 4 Dead 2, and Mass Effect 2 already downloaded and installed. The trace captures the heavy read activity of each game loading from the start, as well as textures as the game progresses. In this trace, we recorded 4. MB being written to the drive and 7,2. MB being read. In our read intensive Gaming trace, the 1. TB fell into third place across the board with 6. MBs, 1,1. 83 IOPS, and a latency of 6. Conclusion. Seagate has continued to expand its Guardian Series with higher capacity drives, such as the 1. TB Barra. Cuda Pro. The new Barra. Cuda Pro delivers the highest capacity desktop drive, while still aiming to deliver high performance. The drive is a 3. SATA drive with 7,2. RPM spindle speed and a 2. MB cache. The HDD is ideal for users who need lots of capacity, but dont want to keep adding drives. Looking at performance, the 1. TB Barra. Cuda Pro started our series of benchmarks off strong, taking the top spots in our 2. MB IOMeter tests with 2. MBs read and 2. 58. MBs write in sequential and 8. MBs read and 1. 25. MBs write in random. In the smaller 4. K benchmarks, the drive was able to pull off third place in reads and fourth in writes and second in latency. In our server mixed workload benchmarks, the 1.